Even a cursory examination of the facts points to the unavoidable truth. The Malayan tapir is black and white, has big ears, and prefers a vegetarian diet (hence Obama's knowledge as to the cost of arugula at Whole Foods).
The Malayan Tapir population is becoming increasingly stressed due to human encroachment and hunting...in non-Muslim countries (all four species of tapir are endangered due to rainforest destruction), which explains his penchant for kissing up to radical Islamic regimes. Obviously Obama is seeking elbow room for the world's remaining tapirs. Since Muslims do not hunt the tapir, a worldwide jihad that would bring the world under Islamic control would virtually eliminate the threat of tapir hunting. His being a tapir would also explain his limited ocular movement which accounts for his only being able to look at a teleprompter and not at a human audience, and his seemingly unabated dependence on the device (kudos to David Axelrod for being able to teach the tapir to read...it is possible that he himself is a species of weasel).
More evidence suggesting that Obama is a tapir is the fact that they are largely nocturnal creatures, which may account for why he was so out of it during Prime Minister Gordon Brown's visit, instead of his ludicrous statement that he was tired from all his hard work attempting to fix the economy (all evidence to the contrary).
Other possible giveaways may be the tendency of tapirs to wheeze and whistle when they are horny. Mating rituals involve attempting to sniff the genitals of their mates which results in tapirs spinning in circles, which Obama regularly does, at least when it comes to making policy and rhetorical statements. If Obama is a tapir, and is communicating with other tapirs he may whistle and urinate. Be on the look out for inordinate leg lifting. It is also possible that Obama represents a new species of tapir that communicates by emitting guttural "uhs" and "umm" noises. Tapirs also have an abiding love for salt. Notes should be made regarding his salt intake, and any tendencies to licking sweaty people or pretzels.
Be on the lookout for the tell tale signs. We cannot allow America to fall to the world tapir conspiracy, especially one that has the potential to put us under Moslem control with their legalized rape and honor killings and other such Sharia nonsense (I suppose we should all be thankful that the tapir is not a carnivore).
The plans for Global Tapir Domination are already in motion as the world just recently celebrated "World Tapir Day" on April 27th (we're serious), which has apparently been celebrated for years unbeknownst to most humans. Tapirs in your community should be looked at with suspicion as they are clearly up to no good.